26 January, 2013

Today I wrote something good. Lately, I haven't. I won't publish what I wrote. Not right now. I need to make it perfect. See, I always write whatever comes out. I don't write. I vomit. But not this thing. This thing is going to be perfect.

I'm not a perfectionist. I like flaws, I love them. And I'm always lost between what is and what should be. Today is no different. Today I was sent a love letter. I'm used to love letters. Really. People send me love letters, and I laugh at them, like the bicth I am. Like the bitch I am to all but to those who deserve my bitchiness. And then I turn around and nullify myself by wanting someone who treats me like shit. Obviously. I am as shitty as they make me, I am as undeserving as I choose to be.

"A loving person often tends to attract all the emotionally messed up people who are looking to get the ego boost and security of feeling loved without having to do anything or feel anything in return."

It's about time I'm a loving person towards myself. Me, the only one who won't fuck me over. They only did because I let them.Enough. Stop being nice. Stop being stupid. Yell at them. FUCK YOU! Go and try the other girl. Just try the other girl. I've opened my eyes. I'll yell at you. I'm tired of getting mad to avoid you getting mad.

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