17 May, 2010

You won't be there in the end.

"People come, and people go. But the ones that really matter will always be there in the end."

Who are the ones that really matter? Will we ever really know who will be there in the end, before the end comes? Are we all mistaken? Are the ones that never failed us going to fail in the worst possible time? Or will they really be there in the end?

And what exactly IS the end, by the way?

Tonight I'm thinking about forgiveness. Do I forgive too easily? Or do I just put things to sleep, only to having them waking up sometime in the unforseeable future? I belive that I forgave. All of it. All of them. But have I really?

I realize I haven't been forgiven. But I can't feel sorry anymore. It makes me so mad that you haven't forgiven me. You shouldn't hold on to this kind of anger. It's not healthy for you. I forgave them, why can't you forgive me? Maybe you're just not as good-hearted as you like to make us (and yourself) believe. You'll have to forgive a lot of people through your lifetime. Maybe you should start with me. But you don't. You can't forgive me and you can't even be truthful about it.

Screw it. Screw you. Too bad if you're too oversensitive and can't seem to be able to grow a pair. You're gonna be really pissed someday. People screw up. So do you. Wake up and smell the coffee. You're not better than me. At least I can forgive. Oh, well... Maybe not you.

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